Hummingbird Centre for Hope

Children’s Grief

Understanding Children’s Grief

Kids Grief
What do I tell the kids? How do I support them? A free online resource that equips parents with the words and confidence needed to help children grieve life’s losses in healthy ways.

Lighthouse for Grieving Children
The Lighthouse provides a place where children, teens, and their parents and guardians who have experienced a life changing death loss can come together to be part of a community. Through participation in facilitated peer groups, they find understanding, stability and support.

The Nightingale Centre
The Nightingale Centre is a non-profit organization that has been created to provide grief and bereavement support to children, adolescents, and their families in Guelph and Wellington County who have experienced, or are anticipating, the death of a family member. 

Healing Little Hearts program for kids ages 4-12 yrs
Healing Little Hearts focuses on helping children understand and cope with feelings of loss when they have experienced the death of someone in their life. The group offers a safe and supportive environment in which grieving children can share their experiences of death and grief with their peers, developing their capacities to care for themselves and one another.

Good Grief Teen Groups (teens ages 13-17)

The Coping Centre

Offers programs for children (5-12), teens and young adults

Canadian Alliance for Grieving Children
Offers resources and listing of agencies by province within Canada

National Alliance for Grieving Children
Offers resources and listing of agencies by province within United States

Dougy Center
An excellent section providing resources around grief and children’s grief. The Dougy Center provides support in a safe place where children, teens, young adults, and their families grieving a death can share their experience. 

Listing of Bereavement Camps across Canada

Youth Grief
A site for grieving youth by grieving youth.

Teenage Grief Sucks
We’re talking about teenage grief. Read stories written by grieving teens and share your own.
Teenage Grief Sucks (TGS) is a teen-run website that’s starting conversations about teenage grief. Run by Natalie Adams, who lost her dad when she started high school, TGS shares weekly stories about grief from the perspective of teens.

International listing of supports


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