Believe Gala – Rebuilding Together

Pivoting, Resilience and Kindness were words I found myself using the most in 2021.  We had to pivot to online learning, capacity limits and holiday plans.  We all showed resilience in the face of these and other life circumstances.  We encouraged ourselves and others to show kindness, whether it be to those with a difference […]

Hummingbird Annual Golf Fundraiser

Each spring we invite family, friends and community to join our golf fundraiser at Conestoga Golf Course. ( Save the date for July 25, 2020. Our fingers and toes are crossed that the course will be open and we can host some version of this event. Mark your calendar and stay tuned for updates. Enjoy […]

Legacy Family Day

Each year we host a memorial Family Day in honor of both Mother’s Day & Father’s Day. These are two special days when you should be pampered by your spouse and children….where you get to take the day off, sleep in, enjoy the homemade gifts from your kids, maybe get breakfast in bed or a dinner […]

In Laws!

Question markI had an interesting conversation with my in-laws the other day. I did one of those impromptu things where I was in the area and dropped in on them with out the kids. If you knew about my relationship with them 15 years ago, you would be in as much shock as I am […]

Valentine’s Day

A day dedicated to celebrating the love you share with your special someone. For some, this was a big day in your relationship and for others, they believe everyday should be Valentine’s Day. Regardless of how you feel about it, you will most likely have emotions bubbling up. Seeing others buying cards and roses and […]

Back to school

Back to school… The Most Wonderful Time of The Year…not so much I’m not sure who is behind the idea that this time of year is one we as parents all look forward to as wonderful, but I’m willing to bet it wasn’t an only parent raising their kids without the benefit of the other […]


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