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Believe Gala – Rebuilding Together
Pivoting, Resilience and Kindness were words I found myself using the most in 2021. We had to pivot

Grief is like…
Grief is like waves pounding on the seashore. At first, the waves come in, piled one upon the

Hummingbird Annual Golf Fundraiser
Each spring we invite family, friends and community to join our golf fundraiser at Conestoga Golf Course. (

Legacy Family Day
Each year we host a memorial Family Day in honor of both Mother’s Day & Father’s Day. These

In Laws!
Question markI had an interesting conversation with my in-laws the other day. I did one of those impromptu

Valentine’s Day
A day dedicated to celebrating the love you share with your special someone. For some, this was a

Back to school
Back to school… The Most Wonderful Time of The Year…not so much I’m not sure who is behind

Today is my 13th anniversary.
The past few weeks, I have felt a heaviness like something is not quite right in the world.

Father’s Day
For me, Father’s Day was much more horrendous than Mother’s Day. My family and friends tried to do

A parent’s greatest revenge…
I love the quote: “a parent’s greatest revenge is when your kids have kids”. I twist this quote

Mother’s Day
Becoming a mother was one of the most profound events in my life. When each of my children

Keith’s Birthday
April 10th was Keith’s birthday. He would have turned 59! Yes, he was 15 years older than me

The Power of Shared Experiences
This week, nine of us came together to talk about our children, solo parenting, and widowhood. We laughed,

Blue Monday
This past Monday (the 3rd Monday of January) has been labelled “Blue Monday.” Apparently, it is the most

12 years, 6 months less one week…
I finished shredding Keith! On Sunday, in a completely unplanned and spontaneous moment, I attacked the last box

One word to drive your year
I am amazed at how one day can put you on a new path. Yesterday it was December

Lost Cheer
I was at a Christmas party on the weekend where I didn’t know many people (for a grieving

Beauty can be found in simple moments
Wow – it is such a busy time of year. My days are filled with trying to get

I’m Fine!!!
Tis is the season for self-care My little guy got his tonsils out last week, and the recovery

The Mourner’s Code
“You have the right to talk about your grief.” Talking about your grief will help you heal. Seek

Grief is like a maze
Grief is like a maze. There are so many blind alleys. Where is the right passageway? Who is

Extra Large
Grief comes in one size, Extra Large. If we tuck it away in the bottom drawer where it

Live with no regrets
I’ve been trying for weeks to muster up an idea for my blog post but, to be honest,

Widowed people are amazing!
I’ve said it before, and I will say it again, Widows and Widowers are some of the most

Today is International Widow’s Day.
Today we honor all the men and women whose life partner has died too soon – the men

“If it makes you happy, then why the hell are you so sad?” Sheryl Crow
Happy. Sad. Joy. Sorrow. Smiles through the tears. Pride through the pain. All part of the life of

Honoring Life Through Photos
Pictures stir emotions – all kinds and combinations. They bring up stories, make us cry, make us laugh,

Just for Today
Just for today, I will be free from anger. Just for today, I will be free from worry.

The holiday season is over
The celebrations are over too – but are they? I believe there is one more. Time to celebrate

A Bill of Rights for Grieving Kids
A Bill of Rights for Grieving Kids 1. I have the right to have my own unique feelings

The Irony of Reality
The Irony of Reality It has been said that, as a parent, you are only as happy

My Children
My reason for being, my stressors, my light, my tears, my joy, my sorrows, my future, my gift,

Advocating for our kids in school
Now that kids are settled back in school, how do we advocate for them and support their grief

Back to school… The Most Wonderful Time of The Year…not so much
I’m not sure who is behind the idea that this time of year is one we as parents