Live with no regrets

I’ve been trying for weeks to muster up an idea for my blog post but, to be honest, I was really stumped – until Sunday evening.

I received word that someone I know has received serious news about their health, and it seems that there might not be anything that can be done to fix the situation.

While the news wasn’t necessarily unexpected – as he has struggled with medical challenges for some time – I was still unprepared to hear it.

Once again, I am reminded of the frailty of life.  And that death and grief are just a part of living.  No matter how far I try to move away from my grief, it’s always there.  Sometimes, it is as big as the weight of an elephant on my shoulders. Most times, it can be as light as a touchstone in my pocket.  My husband’s death, along with others I have mourned, has taught me that death really is a part of life.  No matter how much I want to deny it, I can’t.

I’m also reminded that we must live life fully and wholeheartedly – while we can grab it in the palm of our hands and dance.  Cliché, I know … but true.  We must love and be loved – unconditionally.  We must tell the people we care about how much richness and joy they bring to our lives.

We must also live with no regrets. I only have to think about Scott for inspiration. His 45th birthday was last week, and it comforts me to know he lived his life with no regrets.

Scott – we remembered you on your birthday, and your daughter was brave enough to suggest that we get a chocolate cake to celebrate.  We miss you, and we’re living life in your honour.



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